Molly Friedrich

My greatest four a.m. fear as an agent is that I might have turned away ULYSSES but I’d never have missed A PASSAGE TO INDIA. Forty years ago, I’d have leapt to sell anything that wasn’t nailed down; over the years I’ve become more selective…

Heather Carr

I have wide-ranging tastes and seek to represent writers who are also driven by curiosity and discovery, whether through formal inventiveness in fiction, like in Kiese Laymon’s LONG DIVISION, or through rigorous investigative journalism like in Patrick Radden Keefe’s SAY NOTHING…

Lucy Carson

In my 17 years at the agency, I have cultivated a list of mostly fiction and narrative non-fiction for the adult trade audience. I have a particular weakness for voice-forward fiction that asks complicated questions about the intersection of tech, media, and modern relationships. Always with eyes peeled for elevated and stylish writing, I read widely across many genres…

Alex Greulich

After interning at The Friedrich Agency for a year and wearing many hats in other positions—teacher’s assistant, proofreader at Penguin, freelance typesetter—I’m now assisting Lucy Carson and Molly Friedrich full-time, learning how to be an advocate for writers and world-builders in the place where my alarmingly broad tastes snugly fit in…

Marin Takikawa

Regardless of category, I’m looking for a singular voice that will guide me through any literary terrain and is not afraid of pushing against the status quo. And above all, it’s important to me that my list is filled with writers from historically underrepresented communities, as well as diasporic voices…